Southern Arizona Chapter Day
What a day of Chapter work it was on January 27 at Coronado Chapter #20. The combined participation of the Companions from Coronado 20 and Tucson 3 was done well and the ten (10) candidates seem to have left with a better understanding of the former Blue Lodge degrees.
Candidates were Master Masons from: Huachuca 53,Campstone 77, and King Solomon 5, and Safford Lodge 16.
The work was very well presented and if there were books out, I do not believe the candidates noticed or were concerned. There were some changes in casts,Coronado Companions stepped up, it will be an honor to fill here. A special thanks to Companions John Lervold and Mike Fluty for seeing to the scenes were set for each degree. And to those companions who presented from memory, I just wish I knew your secret in learning those lectures