Four Corners Chapter Festival

59th Annual Four Corners Royal Arch Festival

Since 1964, Companions from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah have gathered in the Four-Corners area of these Southwestern States to confer the Capitular degrees.  Sponsorship of this annual Chapter Festival rotates each year around the four states and this year’s event was hosted by Arizona and the faithful craftsmen of Temple Chapter #8, Royal Arch Masons, in Holbrook, Arizona.  The degrees were conferred in a barn on a working cattle ranch in Holbrook, Arizona on October 5, 2024.

Fifty-one companions, including  Past Grand High Priests from five separate jurisdictions attended. Candidates this year were Nick Jordan and Christopher McGoorthy from Arizona, Donald Stewart from Colorado, Joseph Greenleaf from New Mexico, and Trevor Darley and Michael Peterson from Utah. We congratulate these new Royal Arch Masons and wish them well as they begin their York Rite journeys. 

The Most Excellent Grand High Priests of Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico opened their respective Grand Chapters at 8:30 AM while
standing at the altar on the Four Corners carpet, which .   The Four Corners carpet depicts the famous Four Corners landmark  the only point in
the United States where four states converge. The New Mexico Degree Team conferred the Mark Master degree, followed by Colorado’s team conferring the Past Master, and Utah’s team the Most Excellent Master degree.   After a lunch provided by Lady Anne Johnson representing
the Social Order of the Beauceant and the companions of Temple Chapter, the Festival continued with the Arizona Degree team conferring the Royal Arch Degree.  After formal introductions, the four Grand High Priests closed their respective Grand Chapters, and the Four Corners
carpet and gavel was passed to Utah for hosting the 2025 Festival. 

While the companions and candidates were enjoying the ritual work, the ladies had the opportunity to visit the Old Court House Museum in
downtown Holbrook.  This historic structure dates from 1898 and has many interesting artifacts of the old west on display, including an “invitation to a hanging” of “George Smiley, murderer”.  This tongue-in-cheek invitation was the work of eccentric sheriff, Frank Wattron, and caused outrage all over the United Sates, including President William McKinley. Also on display is  the old county jail that was assembled from a second-hand ships’ brig.  This mediaeval looking affair was still used into the 1970s and includes some authentic graffiti and artwork done by
incarcerated prisoners.  A visit to Jim Gray’s Rock Shop, a world class store and museum and houses some of the most unique examples of petrified wood, fossils, and mineral specimens that one could imagine. 

Temple Chapter then served a ranch-style barbeque dinner which left everyone full and satisfied after a successful day.  MEC Robert Haupert, PGHP of New Mexico was acknowledged as being the senior Four Corners alumnus present with his participation in the past fifty-one Four Corners Festivals.  He informed us that there is only one other living person with over 50 years of attendance, Hugh Cocklin MEPGHP of Arizona, who is now 100 years old and living in Virginia.

We sincerely thank Most Worshipful Brother and Companion William Jeffers, past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Arizona, 1997, for allowing us to use his ranch.  Special thanks also to Most Excellent Companions Kerry A. Owen and Peter H. Johnson, Past Grand High Priests of Arizona, for coordinating the event, and Lady Anne Johnson for providing the delicious meals and refreshments.

The 2025 Four Corners Festival will be held in Price, Utah, on October 4 with details to be provided later.

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