Mid-Year Minutes

2024 Grand York Rite Mid-Year Meeting Minutes

The annual Arizona York Rite Grand Mid-Year Communication was held March 16, 2024 at the Sun City Lodge #72 in Sun City, AZ.  There were forty-two (42) Companions/Sir Knights present.

The Grand Chapter, Grand Council and Grand Commandery each had an hour to make presentations which are summarized below.  Prior to each grand body’s presentations, a roll call of the Grand Officers of that body was performed by Right Excellent Companion and Sir Knight George E. Weil, Grand Secretary/Recorder.  All the Grand Officers were present or excused, and a roll call of the Chapters, Councils, and Commanderies found that all were represented.  Each of the presiding grand officers welcomed and acknowledged the attendees.

During each of the one-hour sessions, Most Excellent Companion and Sir Knight David P. Miller, Grand Treasurer of the three Grand Bodies, made a motion to donate one hundred dollars ($100.00) from that Grand Body to Sun City Lodge No. 72 for the use of the building.  The three motions were approved by the attendees.

The Communication was opened at 9AM by Most Excellent Companion Stephen G. Powlesland, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Arizona.  The opening prayer was given by Excellent Companion Andy Sanders, Grand Chaplin, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Right Excellent Companion John Huth, Grand King.


Most Excellent Companion Stephen G. Powlesland, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Arizona, and two companions demonstrated the procedures for the Royal Arch Chapter Short Form opening that was approved at the 2023 Grand Sessions.

Right Excellent Companion John D. Lervold, Grand Scribe of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Arizona, and member of the Insurance Committee, advised that we are required to have both liability and property insurance. There may be legislation on this as we are going by Grand Lodge requirements rather than our own.

Right Excellent Companion John W. Huth, Grand King of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Arizona spoke about the Royal Arch Student Assistance Scholarship Grant. Details and applications are on the AZYR.ORG website. Deadline for applications is June 15 for the fall semester. These are $1000 grants.

Excellent Companion Robert Haynes, Webmaster, updated us on the website. Grand Treasurer David P. Miller advised the financials were good and Perpetual Membership checks were distributed.

Most Excellent Companion Kerry Owen reported on the Royal Arch Research Assistance and the 4-Corners Royal Arch Festival to be held in Holbrook next October.

Companion Francis Fritz advised us on the Education Committee and the importance of having some education at each Stated Meeting. There are topics on the website.

Most Excellent Companion Paul Dore gave a report on the upcoming Grand Sessions August 7 – 10 in Mesa. There will be no formal Ladies Program although there will be some activities. Please make on-line reservations with Doubletree Hotel using Code GYR. Also, program ads will again be sold.


Most Illustrious Companion Russell R. Sayre, Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Arizona welcomed all and turned the program over to his Committeemen.

Grand Treasurer David A Miller advised the financials were good and Perpetual Membership checks were distributed.

Illustrious Companion Robert Hayes, Grand Lecturer of the Grand Council of Arizona, discussed the recent Super Excellent Master Degree and Ish Sodi ceremony as well as the Barnabas Award.

Illustrious Companion Dick Young commented on the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation and how important it is. March is CMMRF month, and each Council is requested to send in a $100 donation in honor of the occasion.

Illustrious Companion Vernon Tweedie, Illustrious Master of Mesa Council No. 15, gave an educational presentation on Brother and Companion George W. P. Hunt, Governor of Arizona seven times, along with information about the Masonic symbology on a dollar bill.

Illustrious Companion Mac Maclintock spoke about General Grand Council and the Southwest Regional in Salt Lake City.


Sir Knight William R. (Bill) Greenen, Right Eminent Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Arizona, welcomed the attendees and introduced Miss Haley Childress who was the recipient of the 2023 Knight Templar Scholarship Grant of $1,000.00.  It was noted that Miss Childress also won the Arizona Grand Chapter Student Assistance Grant of $1,000.00.

Sir Knight Bill Greenen also gave profuse thanks to all who participated in the Arch of Steel for our Past Grand Commander Darryl Mandrell at his installation as Potentate of El Zaribah Shriners.

The Grand Commander then presented Illustrious Companion Peter Stronge the Meritorious Service Award for long service to the Craft.

Grand Commander Greenen spoke on his edicts regarding summer uniforms and Caps.

Some discussion evolved contemplating public ceremonies where we are not all in the same headgear and thus not “uniform.”  Caps were authorized as they are less expensive than chapeaus and easier to transport.

Grand Treasurer David A Miller advised the financials were good and Perpetual Membership checks were distributed.

Sir Knight Jed Holley advised of the fund-raising efforts for the Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund. He was able to raise about $1,450.00 through tie bar sales.

Past Grand Commander Bill Garrard talked about membership, that we are beginning to turn around our losses into gains. We cannot forget to have the potential Candidate focus on Craft Masonry if he is new but encourage him to join when ready.

The closing prayer was given by Sir Knight John Herman, Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Arizona.

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